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Integrated Management Systems

RTG Quality, Health & Safety, Environmental, Energy and Information Security Integrated Management System (IMS) Policy Statement

Quality, Health & Safety, Environmental, Energy, Information Security Integrated Management System’s (IMS) compliance is a primary management responsibility of RWE & Turcas Güney Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. (RTG) and its key to our business success. IMS has the active commitment of all management, employees and contractors.

RTG' s Integrated Management System (IMS) covers all our functions and processes and is based on the principles of:

  • Understanding  internal & external factors and the needs and expectation of clients/interested  parties,
  • Strong Leadership  of the Top Management,
  • Control of risks and addressing opportunities,
  • Engagement  of our highly qualified and skilled personnel,
  • Appropriate resource allocation,
  • Evidence-based decision making,
  • Addressing the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility requirements of information for information security,
  • Relationship management with our suppliers and subcontractors,
  • Health and Safety Culture, Quality and Environmental Protection consciousness, Energy efficient approach and Information Security provision.

In order to achieve these, RTG has established, implemented, maintained and continuously improved an Integrated Management System (IMS) that complies with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 and ISO 27001 as well as other specific standards related to our industry.

As an energy intense manufacturer of electricity, RTG strives to reduce its energy consumption and costs and promote the long term environmental and economic sustainability of its operations. We are committed to:

  • Comply with applicable statutory and legal requirements in relation to quality, health & safety, environmental, information security, energy use, consumption and efficiency and satisfy other applicable requirements,
  • Zero Harm to the health and wellbeing of our Employees, Customers, Business Partners, the Environment and society at large. 
  • Protect the environment, natural resources and prevent the environmental pollution,
  • Take measures to prevent interruption of business continuity due to information security weaknesses in the awareness of being in the critical sector, 
  • Have teams specialized in information security in order to keep the measures related to information security up-to-date and continuously improve them,
  • Protect the personal data of all interested parties within the determined conditions and be transparent in their requests to data owners regarding the use of their data,
  • Providing safe and healthy working conditions in order to prevent injury and deterioration of health,
  • Deploy information and resources to set, review and achieve our IMS objectives and targets.
  • Consider energy performance improvements in design and modification of our facilities, equipment, systems and processes.
  • Effectively Procure and utilize energy efficient products and services.
  • Improve our Integrated Management System performance continually.
  • Provide consultation and participation of workers and, where they exist, workers’ representatives. 

These commitments are demonstrated by proactively preventing health, safety and environmental related injuries and ill health; and reducing, if not totally eliminating hazards and risks, and  environmental aspects and impacts to as low as reasonably practicable in all our business operations.

This Policy is available, understood and maintained at all levels of RTG and communicated to all relevant interested parties. It shall be reviewed periodically for its sustaining convenience and effectiveness.

The Top Management of RTG is committed to comply the requirements of the IMS and its continual improvement.

Based on the analysis of the issues and requirements identified in our organization’s context and needs and expectations of interested parties, our organization has established the scope of our IMS in order to document our corporate policies and objectives relevant to our context, compliance obligations, the life cycle of our products and activities, our authority and ability to exercise control and influence over external impacts. This describes the scope of our integrated Quality, Health and Safety, Environmental, Energy and Information Security Management System and delineated authorities, interrelationships and responsibilities of process owners and personnel that operate within the management system.

The Integrated Management System (IMS) is the sum of all coordinated management tasks including the determination of values, structures, processes, rules and tools to make a best possible contribution in attaining the company's objectives.